Fitness & Community

Welcome to Chillicothe's premium fitness experience

Getting Started is Easy

Schedule your first visit

Discuss your goals with a coach and learn how we can get you fit and healthy!

Start your training

Goals defined and you are ready to begin your journey. Start strong by building you foundation with healthy habits.

Have fun & grow

Book classes easily on our app, improve your fitness, and enjoy the workouts with awesome people and reach your goals!


Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose weight, or even just to be able to keep up with your kids, our highly-trained coaches deliver a fun, challenging, and rewarding experience no matter your level of fitness. Come join us in our mission of inspiring families to live enriched, fulfilled lives.

We help youth athletes have a fun yet challenging experience to help them enjoy movement and training. This program will focus on games and physical skills that will have your kid wanting to come back!

Do you need sport-specific training, have a significant amount of weight to lose, need help recovering from a major injury or have other health limitations? Working one on one with an expert coach is hands down the fastest and most efficient way to make breakthroughs in your fitness.


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